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The Human Rights Likeminded Office is an independent organization serving diplomats from over 60 likeminded countries and civil society representatives seeking to advance human rights at the United Nations.

Our team provides the tools needed for more effective and constructive engagement and outreach on human rights issues in UN processes, as the political environment becomes more and more detrimental to existing global human rights commitments.

Supporting the advancement of human rights at the United Nations

The Human Rights Likeminded Office (HRLO) offers briefing notes, substantive analysis, joint statements and support in preparation for votes. HRLO supports over 60 Likeminded delegations seeking to advance human rights in the General Assembly, Human Rights Council, and the Security Council, among other forums.


HRLO’s outputs enable diplomats and civil society representatives to participate actively in more negotiations and discussions at the United Nations. Our outputs also support UN officials and independent experts. The briefing notes and updates include background, talking points and recommendations from UN experts and human rights organizations for UN deliberations. Experts attending for the first time require little orientation, if any. HRLO also helps inform colleagues on key developments as they occur, bridge the information gap between New York and Geneva, and provide actionable inputs.


HRLO delivered several projects in the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly (Third Committee), Security Council and the NGO Committee. HRLO’s services and information help advance diplomatic engagement on key current human rights challenges, such as civil society space, country-specific situations, women’s rights, and LGBTQI+ rights.

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