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All 2023 outcomes of HRC and Third Committee

Updated: Jun 3, 2024

Below are selected provisions from resolutions of the Human Rights Council and General Assembly's Third Committee in 2023 that are especially relevant to the Security Council's agenda (both country-specific and thematic). This post aggregates together the content from the previous posts on each HRC session, adding the last Third Committee session, and updating all information on voting to address 2024 Security Council members.

Here are the links to the resolutions:


HRC54 Afghanistan

HRC53 Belarus

HRC52 Belarus

HRC54 Burundi


HRC53 Colombia




HRC53 Eritrea

HRC52 Georgia

HRC52 Haiti

HRC54 Honduras

HRC52 Iran

HRC53 Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories

HRC52 Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories

HRC52 Libya

HRC52 Mali

HRC53 Myanmar

HRC52 Myanmar

GA78 Myanmar

HRC52 Nicaragua

HRC54 Somalia

HRC52 South Sudan (advancing human rights)

HRC52 South Sudan (technical assistance)

HRC54 Sudan

HRC53 Syria

HRC52 Syria

GA78 Syria

HRC53 Ukraine

HRC52 Ukraine

GA78 Ukraine (occupied territories including Crimea)

GA78 Ukraine (amendment to resolution on Neo-Nazism)

HRC54 Yemen


HRC53 Arms transfers

GA78 Children (rights of the child)

GA78 Children (the girl child)

HRC53 Children (child, early and forced marriage (CEFM))

GA78 Civil society (human rights defenders)

HRC54 Civil society (reprisals for cooperation with the UN)

HRC53 Disabilities

GA78 Disabilities

HRC53 Education

HRC54 Education for peace and tolerance

GA78 Elections

HRC52 Environment

GA78 Food

GA78 Indigenous Peoples

GA78 Internally displaced persons

GA78 Journalists

GA78 Mercenaries

GA78 Minorities

GA78 Terrorism

HRC53 Trafficking in persons (cross-regional)

GA78 Trafficking in persons (led by Belarus)

HRC54 Truth, justice and reparation

GA78 Water and sanitation

GA78 Women (rural women)

GA78 Women (follow-up to Beijing)

GA78 Youth


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